Bob University
About Bob University
Bob’s artificial intelligence trading platform provides a virtual space that inspires the next generation of kids to pursue wealth through financial education. We believe that education paired with actual experience will create comfort and confidence in trading on the stock market. This knowledge will influence a change from a consumer-behavior to ownership behavior.
- Learn Financial Vocabulary
- Research companies and stock performance
- Buy and Sell stocks
- Leverage virtual currency to make trades
- Track stock performance
- Financial updates
- Financial content from our Let Bob Podcast

The Virtual Trading Experience
Bob’s artificial intelligence trading platform provides a virtual space that inspires the next generation of kids to pursue wealth through financial education. We believe that education paired with actual experience will create comfort and confidence in trading on the stock market. This knowledge will influence a change from a consumer-behavior to ownership-behavior.
Let Bob Technologies provides a platform for students to learn how to invest and trade.
Students have the opportunity to compete with other students or schools to see who can build the best performing portfolio (measured by total portfolio value).

How Does It Work?
The bob mobile app will be delivered with the virtual platform preloaded for immediate use
Let the fun begin!